Selling [Selling] FF14 Dawntrail MSQ,leveling,extreme,savages,ultimates,relics ,mounts,custom

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sellerwowwallet, 8/1/24.

  1. sellerwowwallet

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    Dawntrail MSQ 90-100 20$
    battle job alt 80-100 10$
    battle job alt 90-100 5$
    crafter and gatherer 11 classes 1-100 120$
    Worqor Lar Dor(Extreme) or Everkeep(Extreme) 15$/full loot run
    Wings of Ruin or Wings of Resolve mount from extreme 120$
    PLZ free free to ask for livestream service
    pandemonium savage 9-12 40$ (livestream available)
    pandemonium savage 1-4 40$( livestream available)
    pandemonium savage 5-8 40$( livestream available)
    Dragonsong ultimate 30usd( livestream available)
    The Omega protocol 30usd ( livestream available)
    TEA/UCOB/UWU 30$( livestream available)
    EDEN 1-12s 60$( livestream available)
    Another Sil'dihn Subterrane Savage or Another Mount Rokkon Savage 100$
    Another Aloalo Island (Savage) 60$
    1M MGP 5$
    1500Xcomensations 80$
    Bozjan/zadnor 6 duels 90$
    Ginga+Goten+Raigo 150$
    10k wolf marks 20$
    The Necromancer Title POTD and HOH Lone Hero 180$
    Once and Future king ( Queen) Title Eureka Orthos 80$
    Aetherpool armor/weapon 99+ 50$
    PVP Tier Bronze to Crystal 199$
    PVP series rank 1-25 50$
    Island Sanctuary Rank 1-20 99$

    what we also offer:
    80-90 Leveling with MSQ and aether currents
    alt 80-90
    1-80 main leveling with msq and aether currents
    70-80 main leveling with msq and aether currents
    70-80 alt leveling
    all crafting and gather classes to 80
    blue mage 1-80 and all 124spells
    battle mentor+ trader mentor
    manderville Weapon ilvl665
    resistance weapon ilvl535
    zodiac weapon
    anima weapon
    shining Elemental Armors +1
    eureka 1-60
    resistance rank 1-25

    kamuy of the Nine Tails
    aeturna mount (Eureka Orthos Floor 100 x4)
    lynx of Eternal Darkness – Zodiark Extreme
    lynx of Divine Light – Hydaelyn Extreme
    bluefeather Lynx – Endsinger Extreme
    lynx of Imperious Wind – Barbariccia Extreme
    lynx of Righteous Fire – Rubicante Extreme
    lynx of Fallen Shadow – Golbez Extreme
    lynx of Abyssal Grief – Zeromus Extreme

    and so on...

    PM for prices if u are interested!
    we also accept any custom orders, feel free to contact us through discord:wowwallet#4548 and skype wowwallet(from chengdu)

    we accept paypal and skrill as payment method btw

    Services are done by hands
    The person who is leveling your account is located in China with a VPN
    if your account is suspended during the period we boost on ,we will do full refund!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.