Trading Cmbt 82 Maxed 60 Atk Pure 60-99-1 99 Mage&range For Battlescape Gold!

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    I'm looking to trade my maxed 60 attack runescape pure. Currently only accepting Battlescape gold OR Paypal. Pic of the account: I am looking to buy all battlescape gold 20 cents per mil. I will also buy rares (Masks/phats) My payment methods are Paypal (Bank funded, Gift) and Western Union. I will not be going first, But will be willing to use a VMM at your expence. I have bought over 6B Battlescape gold on , and sold over 9B battlescape gold. I can show vouches apon request. Currently can only afford another 500M via paypal, However still taking ALL BSgp via western union! Prices I take rares for: Green mask: 120M ($24) Blue mask: 170M ($34) Purple partyhat: 345M ($69) Green partyhat: 560M ($112) Yellow partyhat: 710M ($142) I will also pay $40 for AGS's - That is the only item aside from rares I will buy for RL cash. If you have any other items, sell them for cash BEFORE posting. How much Gp/Rares worth of GP: Your : Do you want to use a OMM: Will you be willing to go first: How many vouches/feedback score do you have: What payment method do you prefer: Post here BEFORE adding me on - Yo_Gotti@live
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