The Most Deadly 12lvl Tele Ship. Full of Strong Boarders. Players Scary to Attack: 80+ Legendary crew. Well trained & Equipped in Hero gear. All crew dedicated to board enemy ship or help with that (rushers). All bedrooms. 25 crew on board. All lab technologies researched 1k+ doves Bonus 1. 1400+ items: 300+ Hero Gear (high end, good rolls) 100+ Epic modules 300+ Hero cons (included farms) Bonus 2. DNA Consumables Farm Ships: 14 farms DNA ships. All 12lv with max Bio room. Bonus 3. Automatization Pack: PVP Software for automatic non-stop PvP resource grind and spend on market. Then you can sell collected items for bux to get extra cash. Works in windows - Steam app - with FullHD game resolution. With the Account you can expect in average 125k+ gas/mins per minute grind (legend league), which comes 7.5M gas/mins per hour or 50 bux per hour income before market sale tax. DNA Software for automatic Hero consumables farming in your DNA ships. It log in, blend crew in Bio, hire 16 crew for gas in Beer, when 1600 DNA collected - grab Hero cons. If not enough gas to buy such crew, it go Inbox to collect the needed gas. Important Note 1: Software bonus deliver as is. There's a chance what it will not work with your system or work not fully. I will try to do my best to tune it for your system but no any promises. Then it won't have impact on the results of the deal/delivery. Also I have and will keep all rights on the mentioned software code. Important Note 2: All sales are final. Once you've got login info about the Account, there's no refunds. Small variables like few less or more hero items or crew than mentioned or expected will not have impact on the deal. Important Note 3: Email(s) login info(s) aren't included in the deal. You promise to change ship/account name to any you prefer once you've got it. I promise to keep the deal in secret and never claim back delivered rights on the account later. I keeping my words and deeply love Pixel Starships so you may expect really huge outcome for the money you invest in the deal. My goal to help you enjoy your new Mothership with farming Satellites as me enjoying it now. I feel the deal not as the account sale but as the transfer of the overwhelming power from one hands to another. The reason of it - I must focus on the real life but I cannot while keeping such ring of the power in my humble hands. Full auto PVP grind battles: LLPVP daily defenses: Feel free to PM me any questions.