Hi, this is beta # for all #. Anyway you need an updated address to make Its work. Also this is a simple source, I guess everyone will understand It. Ghost Mode: Code: #define ADR_BASEPOINTER 0x000000 // Updated yourself bool Player[5]; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_INSERT) & 1) Player[1] = !Player[1]; if (Player[1]) { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_BASEPOINTER) + 0xB8) = 0;//On } else { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_BASEPOINTER) + 0xB8) = 1;//Off } Teleport: Code: #define ADR_POSITIONPOINTER 0x000000 //Updated yourself float X[3], Y[3], Z[3]; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)) //Save { X[0] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x0); X[1] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x8); Y[0] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x10); Y[1] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x18); Z[0] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x20); Z[1] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x28); } if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)) //Load { *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x0) = X[0]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x8) = X[1]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x10) = Y[0]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x18) = Y[1]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x20) = Z[0]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x28) = Z[1]; } if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)) //Save { X[2] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x0); X[3] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x8); Y[2] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x10); Y[3] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x18); Z[2] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x20); Z[3] = *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x28); } if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)) //Load { *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x0) = X[2]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x8) = X[3]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x10) = Y[2]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x18) = Y[3]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x20) = Z[2]; *(float*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_POSITIONPOINTER) + 0x28) = Z[3]; } Fly #: Code: #define ADR_BASEPOINTER 0x000000 // Updated yourself bool Player[5]; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ADD)) Player[2] = !Player[2]; if (Player[2]) { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_BASEPOINTER) + 0x3C) + 0x3AF) = 68; } TeamESP: Code: #define ADR_BASEPOINTER 0x000000 // Updated yourself #define ADR_TESP 0x000000 //Updated yourself bool Player[5]; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_HOME) & 1) Player[3] = !Player[3]; if (Player[5]) { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_BASEPOINTER) + 0x61) = 0; *(BYTE*)(ADR_TESP) = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) < 0) { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_BASEPOINTER) + 0x61) = 1; *(BYTE*)(ADR_TESP) = 1; Sleep(1); } } else { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_BASEPOINTER) + 0x61) = 1; *(BYTE*)(ADR_TESP) = 1; if (GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) < 0) { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_BASEPOINTER) + 0x61) = 0; *(BYTE*)(ADR_TESP) = 0; Sleep(1); } } Infinity Buy Time: Code: #define ADR_OTHERPOINTER 0x000000 //Updated yourself bool UBT = true; if (UBT) //Auto On { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_OTHERPOINTER) + 0x124) = 1; } Anti-Kick: Code: #define ADR_KICK1 0x000000 // Updated yourself #define ADR_KICK2 0x000000 // Updated yourself bool Player[5]; if (GetKeyState(VK_DELETE)) Player[4] = !Player[4]; if (Player[4]); { *(BYTE*)(ADR_KICK1) = 0x85; *(BYTE*)(ADR_KICK2) = 0x75; Sleep(55); *(BYTE*)(ADR_KICK1) = 0x84; *(BYTE*)(ADR_KICK2) = 0x74; Sleep(5); } No-Recoil: Code: #define ADR_WEAPONPOINTER 0x000000 // Updated yourself #define MIM 0x000000 #define OFS_NORECOIL 0x317 #define WeaponSize 0x220 bool NoRecoil = true; bool MIM = true; if (NoRecoil) //Auto On { for(int i = 0; i <385; i++) { *(BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(*(DWORD*)(ADR_WEAPONPOINTER) + OFS_NORECOIL) + (WeaponSize *i)) = 0x65; } } WallHack: Code: #define DIP_WallHack 0x000000 //Updated yourself bool WallHack = true; HRESULT WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE A, INT B, UINT C, UINT D, UINT E, UINT F) { LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 Stream_Data; UINT m_Stride; UINT OffsetsInBytes; if (pDevice->GetStreamSource(NULL, &Stream_Data, &OffsetsInBytes, &m_Stride) == D3D_OK) { Stream_Data->Release(); } if (WallHack) //Auto On { if ((DWORD)_ReturnAddress() >= DIP_WallHack && (DWORD)_ReturnAddress() <= DIP_WallHack) { pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE); oDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, A, B, C, D, E, F); pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE); } } return oDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, A, B, C, D, E, F); } Credits: Luffy CyraxSector Bryan Magal Hacker Fail There's more source and will updated It soon.