Gold border Special legendary skins include: Pink Mercy (don't have sprays) 2019 All-Stars Atlantic Mercy Dr. Ziegler Mercy (with sprays) Kerrigan Widowmaker Lego Brick Bastion Sukajan Kiriko skin Special epic skins include: Bastet Ana Combat Medic Baptiste Nano Cola D.Va Comic Book Tracer Misc: All Origins edition skins 4 golden weapons for Tracer, Mei, Pharah, Mercy OWL Contenders skins for Genji OWL Seoul Dynasty skins for Tracer OWL Seoul Dynasty skins for Widowmaker OWL London Spitfire skins for Mercy Large amounts of general event + standard skins 380 Overwatch coins, 1065 Legacy Credits, 1788 competitive points free name change. Battlepass purchased but it's past level 130. Any questions in discord spharkwns