Selling Valuable Fun Run 3 Account! - By Colo Rating: Elite Prestige 12, Level 19 Grand Champions: 13 3x Western (Sombrero, Bandit Outfit, Poison) 3x Winterlands (Polar Bear Hat, Winter Coat, Ice Sickle) 2x Volcano (Flame Shirt, Arena Torch) 2x Tropical (Diving Helmet, Trident) 2x Toyland (Super Suit, Lightsaber) 1x Farmlands (Wolf Hood) 20 Golden Items: Golden Monkey, Golden Lion, Gold Griffin, Gold Snapback, Gold Disco Wig, Gold Steampunk Goggles, Gold Pilot Shades, Golden Bunny Shutters, Gold Eye Patch, Gold 3D Glasses, Gold Scarf, Gold Bow Tie, Gold Coat, Gold Pirate Coat, Golden T-shirt, Golden Book, Gold Sabre, Gold Boot & Peg Leg, Gold Snowboard, Gold Sneakers 76 Animals: Dire Wolf, Lion, Griffin, T-rex, Sugarglider, Cow, Red Panda, Spot, Skink, 31 Epic Animals, 33 Rare Animals, 3 Common Animals 84 Skins: Ice Owl, Lava Crocodile, Lava Unicorn, Celestial Elephant, Celestial Cat, Ice Hedgehog, Evil Dire Wolf, Meadow Dire Wolf, Golden Monkey, Golden Lion, Gold Griffin, Spirit Ferret, Love Peacock, Black Cat, Rodolph, Love Dove, Orange Parrot, Stuffed Squirrel, Beagle, Spirit Squirrel, Zombie Rat, Evil Polar Bear, Skeleton Dragon, Lunar Bunny, Radiant Cat, 35 Epic Skins, 19 Rare Skins, 5 Common Skins 209 Head Items: Lava Helmet, Fierce Buffalo Skull, Neon Kabuto, Medusa Snakes, Astrosurf Helmet, Tribal Feathers, Colorful Hair with Bow, Wolf Hood, Polar Bear Hat, Diving Helmet, Sombrero, Ice Armor Helmet, Bucket Hat, Unicorn Onesie Hood, Lunar Hair, Thunder Helmet, Solar Hair, Vala Headdress, Tin Foil Hat, Cryborg Helmet, Snow Globe, Motocross Helmet, Gold Snapback, Gold Disco Wig, 119 Epic Head Items, 64 Rare Head Items, 4 Common Items 97 Glasses: Dr. Pickle's Goggles, Flower Glasses, Byte Bandit Hood, Bling Glasses, Protector Lens, Wintermania Mask, Gold Steampunk Goggles, Gold Pilot Shades, Golden Bunny Shutters, 54 Epic Glasses, 32 Rare Glasses, Gold Eye Patch, Gold 3D Glasses, 5 Common Glasses 128 Neck Items: Sheriff Star Necklace, Boxing Medal, Bat Collar, Funisher Chain, Wasteland Totem, Jiangshi Necklace, Twinkle Glitter Cloud, Diamond Necklace, Ruby Necklace, Thunder Necklace, Haunted Doll Collar, Frostbyte Jet, Amour Avenger Cape, Orchid Core Wings, Gold Scarf, 59 Epic Neck Items, Gold Bow Tie, 52 Rare Neck Items, 3 Common Neck Items 259 Shirts: Dr. Pickle's Coat, Punk Jacket, Blouse and Plaid Skirt, Flame Shirt, Super Suit, Winter Coat, Bandit Outfit, Fairy Dress, Icicle Dress, Aurora Gown, Gold Coat, 163 Epic Shirts, 79 Rare Shirts, Gold Pirate Coat, Golden T-Shirt, 7 Common Shirts 106 Hand Items: The Pickler, The Sundisc, Fairy Wand, Flame Sword, Valkyrie Spear, Cupid's Bow, Dragon Slayer Spear, Retro Microphone, Skull Scepter, Glam Rock Guitar, Medusa Orb, Scorcher, Gold Bar, Trophy, Silver Spinner, Arena Torch, Lightsaber, Ice Sickle, Trident, Poison, Nutcracker, Bluebell Wand, Bone, Gem Cane, Party Cracker, Neon Katana, Umbrella, Tiger Plushie, Doom Usher Staff, Thunder Hammer, Solar Sword, Frost Bow, Wasteland Totem, Beam Blades, Flower Basket, B-Day Card, Fiery Bow, Lanternm Sauna Vihta, Twinkle Scepter, Passion Paradox Baton, Knight Sword, 28 Epic Hand Items, Golden Book, 31 Rare Hand Items, Gold Sabre, 5 Common Hand Items 180 Shoes: Surfboard, F.U.N. Hoverboard, Dr. Pickle’s Boots, Astrosurf Board, Figure Skates, Icicle Heels, Cloud, Wasteland Hoverboard, Motocross Longboard, Gold Boot & Peg Leg, Gold Snowboard, 84 Epic Shoes, Gold Sneakers, 87 Rare Shoes, 4 Common Shoes Other Valuable Items: Beret, Ballistic Glasses, Lightning Necklace, Dog Tags, Camo Jacket, Walkie Talkie, Army Boots 2v2 Games: 18.66k 2v2 Wins: 15.39k 2v2 Win Rate: 82.49% Best Rating: 121.3k Best Placement: 2nd Games: 61.42k Kills: 179.8k Win Rate: 59.98% Legendary Rating: 617.1k Legendary Arena: 1018.1k Please do not hesitate to ask any questions! <3DM me if you would like to see the shop video. Instagram.: @colo_fr3 Telegram: @colo_frEmail: [email protected]