Selling Blade and Soul account 600 $ Hey, I want to sell my Blade and Soul account. I've played the game since the closed betas but now its time to go for me. inbox message me if you are interested! the price above is just my preferred price...I am flexible, just let me know your offer Here the account infos: - Assassin - lvl 50 hm 10 - premium level 10!! - Windrest - full pve 5x asura + 3x beido ss - full pvp gear for wwv and ow 5x Naksun + 3x challenger ss (90k hp+ with 2k++ crit def) - accessories are almost fully maxed out except Draken legendary necklace - weapon: True Scorpio Dagger -------ALL MATS TO UPGRADE THE DAGGER TO LEGENDARY STAGE 5 INCLUDED-------(check the Screenshot of my vault) - GEMS all needed flawless hexagon gems, Diamon is still on sparkling pentagon (check inventory screenshot) - 59 costumes and other accessories - lots of stuff to make some money in my vault like 10 Taikhan skins, asura ember, 240+ moonstones, 60 Ornaments, 10 flower of Lament, 20 radiant Energy and equipment upgrade dragon elder stones, 267 gold atm (check screenshot) - 1865 achievement points - 1v1 pvp 1650++ I didnt play much this season - 6v6 1700+ easy with my pvp gear listed above - HM skills rmb, lmb, bombard, shadow slash, decoy -If I calculate the value I easily reach 13k+ gold only for the materials you can sell and have as gems.
WTS Warlock Female Gunma (NA) server 705AP # paymant via Paypal Lycan Pet - Stage 10 Cant change Email, my email for you Contact me : ty
Hello, im very interested in your blade and soul account. Can you add me on skype : Taaaaaaaaaavi (10 a's) or you can pm me your skype and i will add you.