Sold [Selling] 7 heirlooms, 87k+ kills, 4x masters badges

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Account' started by guyff, 6/28/24 at 3:12 PM.

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  1. guyff

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    Hello! If you got any questions dm me on discord please: mallowshop

    60k Bloodhound kills

    17k Horizon kills

    Top 40 in the world for Level (4013)

    #1 szn 17 & 15 for kills and wins on bloodhound

    500+ legendaries

    8+ weapon masteries

    Bloodhound prestige skin

    Bloodhound, wraith, pathy, bang, loba. crypto, rev heirlooms

    4x masters badges. 3 animated

    Top 0.1% in every leaderboard stat for bloodhound and every weapon stat

    4+ lifetime KD

    20% lifetime win rate

    max BP s12-20

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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