Most of the info is best shown in the pics. Currently TOP5 of all the 42s on the server, so the account is at a good spot to camp at and do extremely well in all SLBs.(solo leaderboards) Enough blueprints to build the fed 42 ship(Kelvin), the 41 fed survey(Hydra) and enough faction credits to build the rom 42 ship(Valdore) Monaveen - T4, half way to T5 Voyager - T7 Tallios - T7 Feesha - T9 Mantis T6 Amalgam - 1 part away from T9(max) Meridian - T7 5 docks, 2 builders, 3 researchers. 5k unc, 600 rare, 2.6k epic armada directives 1* and 2* Q trials have been completed, currently working on 3* with 5th milestone completed on interceptors FED are rep locked at 1B and currently working on ROM 1B rep lock. 30k multiphasic credits I've put a lot of time and effort into the account so the account is very well developed research and ship wise. Nothing much else to say really