Selling    Accounts on Isya $ Kebing

Discussion in 'Fiesta Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Potassium, 6/19/24.

  1. Potassium

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    My Location:

    - Geared 115 temp, with 7-8 mounts in bank (including couple of denzale/syrena). 1 month of best dmg sc, 30d rants, extenders, some charms etc.
    - 115 HK - on a different account, purpose was solely to use it as my buffbot


    - 140 knight, 115 ranger and some low lvl perms on the account, xbow, bow and DS skins too. No gear, knight and ranger have some linked mounts
    - lvl80 mage, geared with jewels and mount. Legendary wand with skin. No premium stuff
    On Isya I have also some lower lvl perms. Mostly naked but with skins (71 crus with blade skin, other acc 50 trix with claws skin, 3rd one archer (60) with bow skin. I have to check again

    I'm no longer active in fiesta for more than a year, hence I'm selling the stuff

    ** IMPORTANT!!
    For some of the Isya accounts I won't be able to provide OG email. Payment must be via western union. If you are interested dm me here, we can have a detailed talk. Cheers
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.