Selling  Android  High End (PC) VIP 60, lvl 15 hero gears, Asgard gears + skins, 4 troop types @ T8 in citadel

Discussion in 'Vikings War of Clans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GaryP75, 3/16/24.

  1. GaryP75

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    I am selling my vikings account. Quality account with 4 troop type at T8 in citadel - Cav, scout siege and melee. I play on PC, im not sure it matters but when i was listing it only gave options for android or IOS

    asking $200 but open to offers if it doesn't sell - if you need anymore info or pictures etc you can email me [email protected] or whats app +44 7877573175

    Asgard gear on shamen (5/6 pieces - no boots. Hero fort gear 3 pieces @ level 15, rest level 4 (ubba armour has invader materials done, just needs standard materials to get to lvl 15.)

    Vip 60, 2m weeks sh boosts , 2 MILLION DUST (stored as gems in case of bifrost achievement upgrade) It also comes with 3 x lvl 5 sh (1 of which is ready for Raven tower to be built).

    Here is a full rundown that i sent to a friend:

    13b gold, 8.6b soul shards for t8, 560t silver, 106m star shard for skins, 1.4b runic dust, 46T food, 40T lumber, 60t iron, 13t stone,Speed up/ training boosts over 8.2m weeks in total,

    HERO NRG : 5kx1.2m = 6b+ others (+plenty shamen power++)

    T8 Maxed Troops - Cav, Siege Melee, Scout (runes / hero sets exist for each type for offense and defense and there is also stacks of runic dust for creating more)

    SKINS:Honor , peace, patronage, Granduer , supremacy, equalibrium, Legends fortitude, defense, new dawn, vengeance, conqueror, protector, lotus, sea serpent, warlord, power , austerity, predator, composure, resistance, shielding, freocity, confidence poleaxe , cunning, awakening, enlightentment, tireless, unity , prosperity , freedom,war, annihilation, strength, wisdom (i skipped a few runic skins that only gave bonuses for attacking towns)
    #1 GaryP75, 3/16/24
    Last edited: 3/20/24
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  2. arjun4607

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    I can pay 150$
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