Sold [Selling] Hearthstone account +200 legendaries (including signature and golden...

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by krakatoa, 6/13/24.

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  1. krakatoa

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    Basically i will never play Hearthstone again, i would like to sell my account. I have this account for at least 8 years (I dont know exactly the year, but i can check if needed)

    I have 45 gold and 1800 dust. I have a lot of cards, and you can make almost any deck if you make dust out of the useless cards.
    I don't play on PC, but i can instal the game just to take the screenshots of the cards if needed.

    I'm selling really cheap, 55€, is far from the account value.

    Thank you!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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