My ship lineup is as follows: 4B Akira 4.6B Borg Cube 2.3B Klingon 63 uncommon ship 60 Epic Enterprise and Rotarran maxed at nearly 2B each, 60 Rom epic a few upgrades away from max. Have five Selkies that are capable of mining 200% hazard systems without damage. Most specialty ships are maxed or near maxed, with exception of NX-01 at T8. Disco range max for 65. Practically all available ship refits purchased. Most FT are nearly maxed Stat increasing buildings are all 60 or 60+, vastly boosting stats of ships. Tons of saved up resources to tier up Fleet Commanders, have been saving for a long time, waiting for an upgrade event. Have all officers, most are tiered up highly. 1.5m multiphasic credits. Have an abundance of basically every type of resource. Roughly 600m latinum Most stat impacting buildings are leveled to max for ops 65. Almost all primes bought. Research also practically maxed for 65. Please let me know if you have any questions!