REGION : NA Currently Unranked/ Highest Peak Immortal 1 This account is unfortunately made way back with my own personal email so that cannot be given out, but Ill provide every transaction IDs of purchases made on the account. Current BP is also bought and completed to tier 23 [Notable Skins - Im only noting notable and valuable skins thats bought with VP] (Account includes some nice buddies like Riot Buddy, Luna bunny, Closed Beta coin buddy, Imm 1 Buddy, Ascendant 3 Buddy) Vandals: Prime Araxys Glitchpop Ion Neptune Reaver Sakura Phantoms: Recon Neo Frontier Oni Prime 2.0 Protocol Guardian: Sovereign Sheriff: Ion Neo Frontier Protocol Reaver Classic: Spectrum Prime Spectre: Forsaken Operator: Ion Marshal: Neo Frontier Odin: Neo Frontier Knives: Sovereign Sword Elderflame Dagger Glitchpop Dagger Neo Frontier Axe Onimaru Kunitsuna Sword Prime Axe Prime Karambit Reaver Karambit RGX Blade Ruin Dagger Xenohunter Yoru Butterfly Discord: 224shin Payment Method: Paypal F&F only