Sold [H] 4 x 6700 Apex Legends Coins (PC/EA App) [W] PayPal £30 each

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/_Rogue_UK, 6/4/24.

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  1. /u/_Rogue_UK

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    I recently participated in a playtest on the EA Remote Playtests program and got 4 x 6700 Coins for PC.

    I'm more than happy to prove the source of the codes to any prospective buyers including showing my EA Playtest account and email chain with EA.

    This is the cheapest deal currently available online for this amount of Apex Coins.

    I have never used Reddit before and created an account specifically to get rid of these codes. If it helps any prospective buyer feel more comfortable here are some of my other accounts:

    Steam: 1298381267
    Discord: TheRogueBeard / Rogue_UK
    Xbox: TheRogueBeard
    Epic: TheRogueBeard

    I have more evidence of how the codes were received which I can send directly to anyone who is interested!

    To any buyer who genuinely interested, I'm happy to put my real name and face to the deal by way of adding you on my personal Facebook if that helps. I'm happy to fulfil any reasonable requests to help you feel safe in the trade.


    # #/_Rogue_UK
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