Sold Selling Selling My Alt Account Spent 200$+ On It

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by TorySavage, 12/13/16.

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  1. TorySavage

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    Might: 15M
    Kingdom: K26
    Level: 57
    Vip: 10
    Gem: 92.6K
    Guild Coins: 1M
    Gold Heroes: x
    Purple Heroes: Big Guy,Rose Knight,Prima donna
    Blue Heroes: Tracker, Demon slayer
    Green Heroes: Child of Light, Trickster, Night Raven, Oath Keeper
    Grey Heroes: Femme Fatale, Ethereal Guide, Steambot, Prince of Thieves, Songstress of the Sea
    -30 Days Supply bought the 04/12/16
    -Spend more than 200$ on this account
    -Gift Option Unlock
    -I linked to Facebook. account only because I play on PC(android emulator) and my Iphone,so it's easy to change Facebook. email and delete my actual email to login to it ,I will explain it later how to change etc when you buy the account and you can buy gem with any google play account since there's no email account link to it.

    I still play daily some information might change to improve the account.
    looking for reasonable price.
    Drop your line for extra information.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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