Sold 2013 Account with over £15k spent

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RowanTK, 5/31/24.

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  1. RowanTK

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    Selling my account due to it not being a priority in my life anymore. I have spent thousands on the account and have almost every ship in the game and multiple characters at level 65. As of 23/05/24 the account contains the following:

    *All C-Store Legendary Bundles/Ships including the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th, 14th anniversary bundles.

    *All C-Store Federation Ships

    *Almost all C-Store Klingon Ships

    *Almost all C-Store Romulan Ships

    *Almost every R&D Promo Ship

    *Almost every Infinity Lockbox Ship

    *Almost every Mudd's Bundle with the account unlockable ships

    *Vast quantities of gold weapons, kits, items and other stuff

    *30+ level 65 characters of various factions with slots spare and lots of low levels that can be deleted
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PrimarisOrion

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    Hey I am interested but wasn't your name OrionNebula23 on playerup forums?
  3. OP

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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    My Location:
    Selling my account due to it not being a priority in my life anymore. I have spent thousands on the account and have almost every ship in the game and multiple characters at level 65. As of 23/05/24 the account contains the following:

    *All C-Store Legendary Bundles/Ships including the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th, 14th anniversary bundles.

    *All C-Store Federation Ships

    *Almost all C-Store Klingon Ships

    *Almost all C-Store Romulan Ships

    *Almost every R&D Promo Ship

    *Almost every Infinity Lockbox Ship

    *Almost every Mudd's Bundle with the account unlockable ships

    *Vast quantities of gold weapons, kits, items and other stuff

    *40+ level 65 characters of various factions with slots spare and lots of low levels that can be deleted

    Details below:

    All account unlocked ships available APART from:

    *Heritage Starship Bundle
    *Lethean Nemosin Pilot escort
    *Ahgamas multi mission science vessel
    *Khaimas Multi mission reconnaissance vessel
    *Qa’tel flight deck raptor
    *science pilot raptor - Klavek class
    *lethean xechas pilot escort
    *tactical pilot raptor - kortar class
    *operations command warbird - bartan class
    *Shamshir operations dreadnought warbird (superseded by the T6 legendary scimitar)
    *Engineerint pilot warbird - Khaiell class
    *Dewan Ikkabar pilot escort
    *Jhu’ael tactical carrier warbird
    *Flambard science dreadnought warbird (superseded by the T6 legendary scimitar)

    The following Mudd’s ships are account unlocked:

    *Xindi-Reptillian Sistruus escort T6
    *Xindi-Aquatic Briostrys Dreadnought carrier T6
    *Vulcan experimental scout vessel T6
    *Voth rampart command flight deck carrier T6
    *Undine Kiwavi Bio-cruiser T6
    *Tholian tarantula dreadnought cruiser T6
    *Tholian Jorogumo science carrier T6
    *Temporal science vessel choice pack (KDF/ROM/FED) T6
    *Temporal destroyer vessel choice pack (KDF/ROM/FED)
    *Son’a Command Science Vessel T6
    *Son’a Collector Science Dreadnought T6
    *Section 31 Intel Science Destroyer T6
    *Section 31 Command Heavy Battlecruiser T6
    *Sarcophagus Dreadnought Carrier T6
    *Paradox temporal dreadnought T6
    *Liberated Borg command juggernaut T6
    *La sirena heavy raider T6
    *Kwejian Pilot Frigate T6
    *Krenim imperium warship T6
    *Kelvin Timeline Starship Choice Pack (KDF/ROM/FED) T6
    *Kelvin Heavy Destroyer Choice Pack (ROM/KDF/FED) T6
    *Jem’Hadar Strike Ship T6
    *Husnock Warship T6
    *Hur’q Vecrid Hive Dreadnought Carrier T6
    *Herald Quas Flight Deck Carrier T6
    *Hazari destroyer T6
    *Ferengi Quark Class Marauder T6
    *Elachi S’ateth Escort T6
    *Elachi Sheshar Intel Dreadnought Carrier T6
    *Dhailkhina Strike Wing Warbird T6
    *Benthan Cruiser T6
    *Amarie Class Smuggler’s Heavy Escort T6
    *32nd Century Merian Command Science Dreadnought T6
    *26th Century Heavy Dreadnought Choice Pack (KDF/ROM/FED) T6

    *Cryptic 20th Anniversary Pack

    *Corrosive Plasma Weapons Pack (reclaimable)
    *Priors world satellite
    *Geordi LaForge holo boff
    *EMH Holo Boff
    *It’s about time pack (Breen boff, reman boff, shard of possibilities, ophidian cane)
    *Holographic Lorca and Landry Boffs
    *DS9 Holo Boffs

    Bundles Purchased:

    *Steam bundle
    *Cross faction recon bundle
    *Cross faction recon bundle 2
    *cross faction allied escort bundle
    *cross faction advanced light cruiser bundle
    *cardassian intel bundle
    *pathfinder long range science vessel plus interior
    *Enterprise era pack
    *Starfleet pilot escort bundle
    *Romulan explorer warbirds bundle
    *Romulan dreadnought bundle
    *Odyssey bundle T5
    *Odyssey bundle T6
    *Mirror Universe bundle
    *Miracle worker romulan legacy bundle
    *Miracle worker federation bundle
    * Intrepid pack
    *Dyson science warbird bundle
    *DS9 pack
    *Command KDF battle cruiser bundle
    *Bortasqu bundle T6
    *Bortasqu bundle T5
    *31st Century temporal ship bundle
    *23rd century bundle
    *New genesis bundle
    *Cross faction command dreadnought cruiser bundle
    *Federation command carrier bundle
    *Cross faction temporal warship bundle
    *Cross faction strike wing escort bundle
    *ALL legendary bundles
    *Cross faction support carrier bundle
    *New genesis bundle
    *Starfleet flashback bundle
    *Captain Picard bundle
    *All anniversary bundles
    *Dyson science destroyer bundle T6

    *Elite starter pack reclaim for all characters (no longer available for new buyers)

    *A ton of promotional tab items

    *Lifetime sub

    For events stuff,

    I’ve only missed:

    *This years summer obelisk ship, can be completed with lobi
    *Tamarian Deep Space Cruiser T6
    *Remodulating Borg rifle from event recently
    *Demon hunting herald staff

    Everything else is unlocked and ready to access. It’s thousands of dollars/pounds of stuff and years of play.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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