before i begin, please just let me stay that if you don’t have anything nice to say, please don’t say anything at all. normally I’m up for any debate/love you talking but right now it’s not a good time for that so I simply ask you respect that one rule in this thread alone. Second, if anybody could recommend where to post this, I know this is not the absolute correct sub for this, but it has a big reach and I don’t know where else to turn at this moment. I’ve had an unexpected and scary incident happen, which I will share about if it is deemed necessary, but as for now, I would simply prefer to focus on the task at hand. I need to offload the items I have that are simply for enjoyment or as investments. I have a ton of codes for Fortnite (and COD) from back bling to pickaxes to skins and beyond. many smaller items but I need to make this quick so I will just discuss the larger ones until I get back tonight. * note: code values and account values are completely different. Epic does not allow the sale of accounts meaning if you buy one, you are subject to lose it at any point in time. Codes can be used without fear on your main account. please understand that I did not make these prices. They are based on what the end customer is willing to pay and does pay. I have available: -Psycho Bundle (cannot have Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition on your epic acct) -Dark Vertex (brand new inbox. I can open on stream to show you real time if you buy the code) -Weapon Wraps (Manic Mosaic, Taffy, Tagged, Cracked Up, Fingerprint, etc. ) -Batman Caped Crusaders pack -Pickaxes (Prickly Axe, Storm King Fist) -Limited Edition Monopoly 8 pc back bling set I will list more as time goes on sorry this is done in a big rush using speech to text. Please message me if you have any comments I can provide proof and pictures of everything. I love you guys stay safe. # #/notforsaleplz . .