Selling/trading FA OGE Wildcat, Gold Kratos, Leviathan Axe stacked account looking for...

Discussion in 'Fortnite Other Accounts | FN Accounts Sale' started by /u/cheesy-chode, 5/28/24.

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  1. /u/cheesy-chode

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    Pretty stacked account, has a lot of icon emotes and rare/vaulted items like wildcat, kratos, leviathan axe etc. Full access to original email (outlook) so there is no risk of pulling back. Looking for offers $100 or higher, dm me if you would like to trade for a different account. PayPal friends and family only for payment.

    # #/cheesy-chode
    . .
    #1 /u/cheesy-chode, 5/28/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/21/24
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