Sold [Sell-MULTI] Trusted Trader! EA FC24 Coins - fast delivery! Safest transfer method! 3€ /...

Discussion in 'FIFA Coins for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/T0XiiC27, 5/25/24.

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  1. /u/T0XiiC27

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    Selling EA FC24 Coins for console (PS and xbox) - prices:

    • 3€ / 100k
    • 15€ / 500k
    • 29€ / 1mil

    Returning customer (multiple orders already) will get an additional 5% off.

    EA Tax and playercost fully covered by me.

    Delivery method:
    • Comfort trade: Requires you to give me your EA Login details and 1 backup code (Found here). I will transfer the coins on to your account, while you can sit back and chill!

    Your webapp has to be unlocked, tradepile can't be full and make sure you dont have any unassigned items.

    Zero bans or wipes in thousands of orders across Fifa 21-23

    Payment Options:
    • PayPal
    • Crypto
    • Skrill

    Contact options:

    My FUTReps:

    I'm available from 8am (morning) - 12am (midnight - CET Timezone) daily

    # #/T0XiiC27
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