Sold Selling 105 power leveling account

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sharpavenue, 12/12/16.

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  1. Sharpavenue

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    This is my power leveling account that includes one level 105 minstrel. He is a human male, almost entirely teal gear with a few jewelry exceptions, he does not have essence gear. He comes with 8,500 marks some medallions, 100 gold and all expansions besides Helms Deep. I am asking 50 dollars. This account comes with the original email that he was made with sent along with account information. I only accept Paypal sent as a gift which is the standard for most salesmen on here. I have sold before and enjoy using Paypal. It's the safest for both seller and buyer. Please be serious when replying to this thread and thanks for reading.
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