6* heroes x 10 + Returning user Check in reward + 6* Awakened Items (24 items)+ Guild master 6* star Hero Lv30 are 1.Chaos Sylvia +7 awakened hero lev 32 2.Fire goddess Pie +7 with Speedy lady costume 3. Exploding Flair +7 4. Chaser Tami +9 with Mystic Cat costume 5. Cynthia sun +7 6.God of Archery Darek +1 7.Battle king Bunz +1 8. Untouchable Raiga +7 9.Saint Warrior Holy +1 10. deadly Grave 5 stars hero are Guardian Angelo +7 Catastrophic Lana FastSword Sion +1 Icy Rina Gem : 200+ Ruby:50+ Gold : 200000+ Guild name :LetsFight account name : Amyamt