Selling $50 itunes card

Discussion in 'Gift Cards - Buy Sell Trade' started by P1L0T, 12/11/16.

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  1. P1L0T

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    I am looking for good offers on a $50 iTunes gift card (actual gift card, not used yet) that I got as a gift, as I don't even have an apple product, I am selling it

    Starting Bid: $15
    Bid Increments: $1
    BIN: $25(Just a Number)
    Auction End Date: Today

    You must pay first
    You must pay through Paypal
    I can back out of selling at any time
    I can end the auction or not sell it at all

    Skype: mcdrugs1001

    All Bids MUST BE COMMENTED! Bin Offers also can be offered.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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