Selling  Europe  Other Class  High End  Level 50+ EUC 1634 Main Full Moon SE with +25 weapon, lvl 10gems, 6,2% Demon DMG

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by BonkDaddy, 5/4/24.

  1. BonkDaddy

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    So I am quitting Lost Ark. If you've been banned for RMT or such this is an opportunity to start fresh. The account is clean up until this transaction takes place. I've spent ALOT of money but all in the ingame shop. The roster has 15 characthers slots. The main 6 are as follows. Souleater 1634 (high quality items and +25 weapon), Destroyer 1627, Paladin 1620, Zerker 1610, Aeromancer 1610 and Gunlancer 1610. The Soul Eater is almost fulll lvl 10 gems, it is using two lvl 8 event cooldown gems. The Destroyer has two lvl 8 CD gems two lvl 9 CD GEms and the rest of the gems are lvl 10. The Paladin has 6 lvl 7 gems and two lvl 9. The Berzerker has a mix of 7s, 8s and 9s. The gunlancer and aeromancer are using event gems (7s and 8s). There are a some additional 1540+ characthers on the roster as well including a 1600 scouter. The account has maxed out demon damage and all the used card set are fully awakened, LOS, KLC, MOS and LWC. All the 1620 above characthers have their 40 set of elixirs and all have some transcendence done.

    The price I was going for is 8K USD however this is # to get transaction done. The account has 7K hours put into it and a whole lot of money as well, so a very good trusted status. You will see a small amount of Royal Crystals when accessing the account and a decent amount of Blue Crystals. I simply lost intrest with Thaemine, pugging it was a despair for me as I can not get time of work. It has Cleared 12-Hard and 3 Normal. The highest ranking title on the Account is "The Lightqueller" showing that you have cleared Thaemine G3 at least 10 times.

    Best way to get in touch with me is on discord. Printscreens etc will be provided there. @BonkDaddy
    #1 BonkDaddy, 5/4/24
    Last edited: 5/4/24
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