I am already playing actively. So in list, it will be some changes in future. I have ; 7* Characters: 1- Qui-Gon Jin 2- Luminara Unduli 3- Master Yoda 4- CT-5555 5- Rey 6- Jedi Knight Anakin 7- Obi-Wan Kenobi 8- Ahsoka Tano 9- Teebo 10- Princess Leia 11- Chewbacca 12- Savage Opress 13- Darth Sidious 14- Jedi Konsolos 15- Captain Phasma 16- Cad Bane 6* Characters: 17- Luke Skywalker 18- Kylo Ren 19- Ima-Gun Di 5* Characters: 20- Darth Vader 21- Stroom Han 22- Mace Windu 4* Characters: 23- IG-88 24- Wedge Antilles 25- General Veers 26- Tusken Raider 27- Talia 28- Royal Guard 29- Poggle the Lesser 30- Nightsister Initiate 31- Jedi Knight Guardian 32- Jawa 33- IG-86 Sentinel Droid 34- Grand Moff Tarkin 35- Ewok Scout 36- Old Daka 37- Count Dooku 38- Clone Sergeant 38- Boba Fett 39- Amiral Ackbar 3* Characters : 40- Zam Vessel 41- TIE Fighter Pilot 42- Stormtrooper 43- Snowtrooper 44- Scrarif Rebel Pathfiner 45- Resistance Pilot 46- IG-100 MagnaGuard 47- Greedo 48- Ewok Elder 49- CC-2225 "Cody" 50- Bistan 51- Biggs Darklighter 52- Aayla Secura 2* Characters : 53- First Order TIE Pilot 54- Dengar 1* Characters : 55- Magmatrooper 56- Geonosian Soldier 57- Corusant Underworld Police Please contact with me if you need any more informations. My Best Team is ; qgj - unduli - yoda - fives - rey. Total power is 42986 for now (my upgrades will continue )
Edit : epic Han Solo, palpatine active and i upgraded 6 more characters to 7* and upgraded darth vader to 6*