Sold G4732 | Lv44 143M XP, 13.5M dust l Moltres iv100. Shundo Conkeldurr

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Accounts for Sale - Buy POGO Account' started by ChardDragon, 4/30/24.

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  1. ChardDragon

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    My Location:
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    Price: US$ 38.
    Full screenshots on Imgur:
    ☑️Level: 44
    ☑️Start Date: 4/24/2023
    ☑️XP: 143,710,957
    ☑️Team: Instinct
    ☑️Stardust: 13,572,296
    ☑️Login Method: PTC
    ☑️Mail changeble: Yes
    ☑️Name changeble: Yes
    ☑️Team changeble: Yes
    ☑️Pokemon Storage: 300
    ☑️Item bag: 350
    ☑️Pokedex Entries: 502
    Total Pokemon: 295
    100IV Pokemon: 39
    Special Moves: 52
    Shiny Pokemon: 101
    100IV Shiny: Conkeldurr
    Costume Pokemon: 2
    Legendary Pokemon: 130
    Shiny Legendary: 6
    Legendary100IV: Moltres
    Shadow Legendary: 23
    Ultra beasts: 15
    Mythical Pokemon: 19
    Shiny Mythical: 2


    - Purpose: Make YOU the absolute owner. After these steps, I can no longer intervene to the account management.

    - Preparation: A Gmail, Facebook. or Apple ID that has never been linked in the Pokemon phone application.

    Here we go:

    1. Upon purchase, I will send you the username and password by message.

    2. Log in using the Pokemon Trainer Club.

    3. From the Map View, click Ball > Settings > Account. You'll see the option to link your Gmail, Facebook. or (for iPhone) Apple ID to this PoGO account.

    4. Log out.

    5. Log in again, this time not through PTC but with the linked service you have just made.

    6. Go to Account setting again. Unlink the PTC.

    And that's it. Enjoy your new journey.

    PoGo.jpg PoGo (2).jpg PoGo (3).jpg PoGo (4).jpg PoGo (5).jpg PoGo (6).jpg PoGo (7).jpg PoGo (8).jpg PoGo (9).jpg PoGo (10).jpg

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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