Kohls Order got cancelled

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by lexyrebung, 12/9/16.

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  1. lexyrebung

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    I just bought Kohls Cash rewards and tried to make purchase for an item less than $70
    but after placing the order they send me this email:

    We Couldn't Complete Your Order
    Friday, December 9, 2016 at 1:42:45 AM CST

    Hi, xxxxxxx.
    We couldn't complete order #7261xxx263, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact us to figure out the next steps toll-free at 1-855-564-5705.
    You have not been charged for this order. If you used Gift Cards or Kohl's Cash on this order, the amount will be refunded within the next 2 days. Since you have not been charged, no Kohl's Cash has been accrued.

    do you guys know what is wrong with this?
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