Contact: [email protected] or post below Price: 150 (#) Payment Method: Steam Wallet Hours Played: 1920 Account with 3 years old -Warframes- *Ash Prime *Atlas *Banshee *Ember Prime *Equinnox *Excalibur *Frost Prime *Inaros *Ivara *Limbo *Loki Prime (Not currently available) *Mag *Mesa *Mirage *Nekros *Nezha *Nova Prime (Not currently available) *Nyx Prime (Not currently available) *Oberon *Rhino Prime (Not currently available) *Saryn Prime *Titania *Trinity Prime *Valkyr *Volt Prime *Wukong *Zephyr -Weapons- *Amprex *Ankyros Prime (Not currently available) *Boar Prime (Not currently available) *Brakk *Braton Prime *Broken War *Despair *Destreza *Dex Sybaris (Not currently available) *Dual Toxocyst *Fragor Prime *Gorgon Wraith (Not currently available) *Grinlok *Jat Kittag *Karak Wraith *Latron Prime *Lesion *Machete Wraith (Not currently available) *Nikana Prime *Opticor *Paris Prime *Prisma Skana *Quanta Vandal *Rakta Cernos *Rakta Ballistica *Sancti Tigris *Scindo Prime *Silva & Aegis *Snipetron (Not currently available) *Soma Prime *Strun Wraith *Synoid Simulor *Telos Akbolto *Vaykor Hek *Vaykor Marelok *Vectis Prime *War *Zhuge -In Foundry ready to craft- Machete (Not currently available) -Sentinels & Kubrows- *Carrier Prime *Diriga *Helios *Prisma Shade *Wyrm Prime *Sahasa Kubrow *Chesa Kubrow *Huras Kubrow *Raksa Kubrow *Smeeta Kavat *Adarza Kavat -Cosmetics ºSyandanasº *Imperator *Asa *Igaro and Day of the Death Igaro *Kyroptera and Kyropetera Ormulo *Prisma Yamako & Hecate *Yamako *Vanquished ºBundlesº *Huhow Gift *Inmortal Skin Bundle *Ormulo Skin Bundle *Gemini Nikana *Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection *Iliac Armor Bundle *Daedalus Armor Set *Dendra Armor Set ºDeluxe Skinsº *Excalibur Proto-Armor *Valkyr Gersemi *Saryn Orphid *Nyx Nemesis *Banshee Soprana *Prisma Excalibur ºLandicraftº *Liset Skins *Xiphos and Prisma Skin ºGlyphº Frost Prime Icons (No Prime access) ºColors Packs: 11 ºMost Helmets for Warframe -Emblems *Sling Stone Emblem Operation Sling-Stone | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia *Survival Emblem Survival Weekend Event | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia *Emblem of the Hunt The Hunt for Alad V | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia *Cicero Crisis The Cicero Crisis | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia *Gradivius Loyality Emblem The Gradivus Dilemma | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
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