All p5 troops, P5 drill grounds, P1+ hospitals x8, p2 college, p2 embassy, 20 black dragon, Hero Bernard: level 38, Hero Jered: level 29, 4th order dragon word (Raging soldiers), all gold 40/43 gear (best set for solo attacks), orange lvl 30 dragonglass, 160k gold. Comes with 8 high-yield level 20 farms. I hate selling this badboy, but I just don't have as much time to play now. The kingdom recently ended a 9 month civil war and united, so you can relax and grow in peace until kingdom conquest starts; we won the last 3 ones. I have been consistently geting in top 10 rank for kingdom conquest, rank 2 is my best one yet. The alliance, which has 2 billion power, is filled with the kingdom's most powerful and richest, which means you'll be getting alliance gifts often in the mail $4500 OBO
Here's my best solo attack so far, done about 3 weeks ago. My hero has received lots of upgrades since then.