Sold [Want] Fresh account, 1000+SQ, Castoria, Oberon, Koyan, paypal payment

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/RamirezTheBlueRogue, 4/25/24.

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  1. /u/RamirezTheBlueRogue

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    Mandatory: Oberon, Koyanskaya of Light, Castoria

    At least 5-6 of the following(the more, the better, adds more value). Payment through paypal

    Saber: Mordred, Altera or Ibuki-Douji

    Archer: Super Orion, Ishtar or Gilgamesh

    Lancer: Melusine, Enkidu or Erekshigal

    Rider: Sima Yi, Ozymandias, Ivan or Francis Drake

    Caster: Scathach Skadi, Merlin, Zhuge Liang or Xuanzang Sanzang

    Assassin: Kama, Shiki or King Hassan

    Berserker: Arjuna Alter, Morgan, Galatea or Cu Chulainn Alter

    Ruler: Amor(Caren), Himiko

    Avenger: Space Ishtar, Demon King Nobunaga or Jeanne d'arc Alter

    Alter Ego: Ashiya Douman, Okita Souji Alter, Meltryllis or Sitonai

    Mooncancer: Kiara, BB or BB Summer

    Foreigner: Van Gogh, Koyanskaya of Dark, Voyager

    # #/RamirezTheBlueRogue
    # .
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