Sold !!!CHEAPEST!!! Prestige 5 castle

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gamerhouse, 12/9/16.

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  1. Gamerhouse

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    (Cheapest p5 available)
    hello guys i am selling my prestige 5 castle in almost new kingdom 1500+, All my troops are prestige 5 only archers are at p3..working on p4 (have enough badges to make it p4 and half of p5) you would require few badges to make it complete p5, power is 12mil (recently lost 8 mil power) svip 6 lord level 41 equipment lvl 40 orange. only 5 prestige 5 castle is there in kingdom all are from same alliance so no one will mess with you and can grow easily.. dragon camp and kingdom conquest is yet to start in this kingdom.. grap it fast. Its the cheapest you can find a p5 ever. screenshots on request contact me on my facebook. messenger as I won't be much online here but deal will only be made thru middleman. I will update the middleman link once the price is finalized..
    Marx Pende | facebook.
    #1 Gamerhouse, 12/9/16
    Last edited: 12/9/16
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