WTS: Maxed 138, over *850M* - 160Mil+ Attack XP - 99 Slayer!

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Selling my pride & joy since 2001, this account is ace. Zero offences since the day created, I'm a well behaved gamer, and loyal seller. Account never had a display name change, double spaces, Very cool and notorious Log-on name. Extremely capable of becoming an in-game Moderator, with zero offences for 10 years It's very possible. Since this is such a unique account, I will only be accepting through Western Union. Once payment is received I will put a detailed list of the account information, from creation date, to old passwords, to when I moved, to even the latest 3-4 membership codes. Anyways, Goodluck and I will set an Autowin of $350-400 via Western Union, you must pay fee. A talk over the phone is necessary if you like, but that won't make me front you the account information. I will gladly go first on TWF as long as you know I only accept W.U for this account, maybe moneygram too, if you tell me how that works (possibly same as WU)? Want to contact me quicker? Please e-mail me on:: YouTube message - YouTube - Xorcist420's Channel AIM :: SmokeMyBong Default :: Message on here how I can contact you Your account is in the green zone. Well done! You currently have no bans or mutes on your account. If you continue to abide by the rules in the future you will not receive any bans or mutes. 100% Guaranteed a safe sell! -E-mail will be removed, recoveries will need to be default changed, or you can do it yourself after I give info. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::PICTURES::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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