Sold [US] [H] SNES FX Pak Pro Bundle [W] $230 PayPal Shipped

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/theshutterbat, 4/10/24.

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  1. /u/theshutterbat

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    Hi Everyone! I'm selling an SNES with an FX Pak Pro flash cart. Here's what's included in the bundle.

    SNES (SNS-001)

    Slight damage to one of the rubber feet but otherwise in very good condition.
    Two SNS-005 Controllers​
    One is in excellent condition, the other's plastic has started yellowing but is otherwise perfectly functional.
    FX Pak Pro​
    Excellent condition (No Micro-SD card included)
    3rd Party Power Adapter​
    Generic power brick with SNES and NES output cables.
    3rd Party AV Cable​
    Works great
    Bundle Total​
    $230 Shipped (US Only)​
    # #/theshutterbat
    # .
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