Selling  8+m GP  200-250 7*  iOS  Original Owner (Yes) 8.2M GP, 3GLs, R9 JMK, R9 JMLS, SEE, R9 CAT, R9 DRevan, R9 Malak, 6* Exec, Close to GL Rey+much more

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by nhyb777, 4/10/24.

  1. nhyb777

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    Don’t have the drive to play anymore: 3 GLs as listed in title, several R9 and R8 toons, lots of resources. 6* Exec, Kyber 4+ capable roster. Several key characters unlocked and at 7*. Close to GL Rey, SLKR, Jabba. R9 DRevan, R9 Malak, R5 Malgus pushing for Leviathan. Need conquest ship (simmable), and Dagger and to bring up toons to relic. 17 Omicrons unlocked on top tier Omicron characters. Original Owner, a few hyperdrive bundles purchased, it’s a great account to just jump on and be successful with. If you have any specific questions I’ll be happy to answer. Open to Offers

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