Selling [Selling] Selling 105k Gold Value (GW2 Efficiency) GW2 Account with many legendaries and...

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by eif, 4/8/24.

  1. eif

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    Selling 105k Gold Value (GW2 Efficiency) GW2 Account with many legendaries and Infusions. This has been my personal account for gw2 since the year it came out. the infusions on the account are: 1x Chak Infusion (worth around £300-£350), 1x Dragonvoid Infusion ( worth around £350), 1x Abyssal Infusion, 5x Music Box Infusions, 1x Mote of Darkness Infusion. The legendaries owned are as listed, Generation 1 Legendaries: 1x Dagger (Incinerator), 1x Rifle (The Predator). Generation 2: 1x Staff (Nevermore), 1x Shortbow (Chuka and Champawat), 1x Sword (The Shining Blade), 1x Focus (The Binding of Ipos). Generation 3: 1x Torch (Aurene's Breath, Including Primordius Variant), 1x Sword (Aurene's Fang, Including Primordius Variant and Soo-Won Variant), 1x Scepter (Aurene's Wisdom, Including Mordremoth Variant), 1x Dagger (Aurene's Claw, Including kralkatorrik and Jormag Variant), 1x Pistol (Aurene's Argument, Including Zhaitan Variant and Jormag Variant), 1x Longbow (Aurene's Flight Including Jormag Variant and Primordius Variant), 1x Hammer (Aurene's Bite, Including Zhaitan Variant and Jormag Variant). Other Legendaries Include: 1x legendary Rune and 1x Legendary Relic.
    Has All Expansions, every mount other then Skyscale, Griffon and siege turtle. Also has Every class at max level with some duplicate classes at max, multiple ascended sets for all 3 armour types.

    This Account According to GW2 Efficiency is worth Roughly £4,200 GBP and i will be listing this account to start at £1000 which considering only 2 of the infusions on this account are worth almost £700 alone, it would be an absolute steal at this price however i want to sell fast hence the hefty price reduction and i am still willing to haggle the price down a bit if necessary if somebody is interested in snatching fast.

    If my account catches your eye and strikes your fancy please contact me on discord at "Eif#4210" or if this doesnt work "Eif.eif" <3
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