Selling   6.3m wwe champions account

Discussion in 'WWE Champions Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by WinstonBoom, 11/21/23.

  1. WinstonBoom

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    League 20/VIP 11

    435 characters 13 x 6*s/ 35 x 6*b with all classes covered for both m&f level 23 boss battle

    Many top tier stars

    Many rare trainers

    Numerous specialist skill plates (drip attached to an open strap which can be easily moved around without paying for passes and is currently being used by hof Andre)

    Plenty of tp/cash and igc

    Enough evolves/enhances for at least 2 talent up events

    The account has been active since the games inception except for a 12 month break about 3 years ago and I am the original account holder, it is also currently in a top 10 faction while I am still playing, however as already stated I cannot guarantee playing time beyond the current mlc, so bear this in mind.

    Starting a new job and just cannot commit the time needed to the game and I really don't want the account going to waste, I'm also aware the account is probably worth at least 100 times what I'm asking but I'm looking for a quick sale hence the asking price.

    Message me on discord for more info WinstonBoom.

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  2. Zach Hoscheid

    Zach Hoscheid
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