Selling Hearthstone acc 16 leg and lots of cards can trade for cs go skins

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tubi, 12/6/16.

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  1. Tubi

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    This time i have for sale my Hearthstone account :D Like in the topic i've got 16 legendary cards and some of the cards already unlocked :D
    Recently i opened 26 packs of Gadgetzans cards and didn't get a Leg card but unlocked kinda lots of epic and mostly all of the Jade deck cards :D
    The only adventure left to unlock is karazhan coz lately i've been collecting gold to buy new packs :D I'm uploading all of the cards i own so u can check them out L:D
    the price im asking is 50$ which i guess is fair (Paypal or CS GO SKINS) and also there is a HOTS account with few characters bought already and lvled up :D
    u can contact me here on PW or on [email protected]
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