So, directly to what you prolly want (4 sho) the acc has some end game classes (Yami no Ronin, Dragon of Time,Archpaladin,etc) and i´ve already farmed void crystal a/void crystal b and 8 roenghentiums as well so it has almost all end game classes (except LR and CAV) It also has all helmet enhancements Vainglory and Absol cape Enhancements Smite and Lacerate weapon Enhancements 8 years old acc in book of lore and a bunch of cool xmogs and shi in the bank u can check it out :¨) tbh i do not want to hype up this acc that much but ig i can get like 30 bucks from it so if you are interested just dm me on ds (i hear offers too :pp ) ---------------- jacobo.vinagre ) THX 4 reading