Selling  11+m GP  250-300 7*  Android  Original Owner (Yes) Complete 11M profile heavy modding

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by Casstigo88, 3/31/24.

  1. Casstigo88

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    Hi everyone!

    I'm an old Italian SWGOH player and the only Italian with an official walkthrough channel and guides regarding the game.
    It's the first time i've used this site, if you are an intermediary who can help me in exchange for a percentage, please write to me!
    After more than 7 years of playing, I think I've reached the end of my journey, and due to unexpected complications in real life, I've decided to sell the profile.
    My profile is complete with all meta characters and teams, all galactic legends, all fleets and I have secondary teams like Tusken and Phoenix in farming (I need 2 characters per team to finish them too).
    Darth Bane, Dark Gideon, Darth Maul, Starkiller, Malgus, CAT, Reva (Third Sister), Aphra, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and all secondary meta characters present and already maxed out at R5 - R8. Almost all R8 Galactic Legends.

    All I'm missing is Bo Katan Mandalor and I have the characters needed to unlock her in farming.
    All fleets present including Leviathan at 7* with R9 Sith Assassin (so you can win easily in the mirror).
    The most precious thing about the profile, however, I think are the mods and the omicrons: I sweated for years to # the best possible modding, building 2 secondary characters at a time. For example, Aphra has a very high effectiveness, but it would be better if it also went quite fast.
    So I armed 5 mods with 5 speed violations in secondaries and an average mod effectiveness of +10% in secondaries. I applied this farming mod to all the most needy characters: Maul doing pure damage with the 5 burst and charging the burst faster by making critical hits, I put 5 speed violations + 8% attack in the secondaries where possible in the secondaries of the mods and +5% CC where possible...and the same for Wampa, GL, QGJ squad, Inquisitors etc..

    All the best omicrons for GA are PRESENT and I also have those for TW of Embo, Grand Inquisitor, Juhani, Mara Jade, Phasma..

    It is a profile with very compressed power, you can get up to Kyber 1 without too much effort

    I'll leave you the link to my YouTube channel and the link to my profile together with allycode so you can see it with your own eyes.

    If you have doubts, I know an intermediary on the site, or we can proceed with the intermediary you prefer, for me it's the same.

    I play on Android, the profile will give you the associated email and the associated Facebook. profile, so you can enter from both sides and have total 100% confidence that no one (including me) can touch it.

    Sorry for my English

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    #1 Casstigo88, 3/31/24
    Last edited: 4/1/24
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