[H]SV Shiny Eggs & Self-redeemed Event mons, Self-caught Hisui Shiny Moon ball Voltorb with...

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/AnthonyYewHui, 3/30/24.

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  1. /u/AnthonyYewHui

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    Hi everyone!

    I have some self-redeemed event mons, shiny eggs in SV and master balls in BDSP for sell.

    SV Shiny Eggs (refer ShinyEggs(SV)'s tab) --> $7 no fees for each, if buy 5 can give $4 per each($20 no fees)

    SV Event mons (refer Event Mons-SV's tab) --> $4 no fees

    Self-caught Shiny Moon ball Hisui Voltorb with (Uncommon Mark & Jumbo Mark)- OT: Mun - ID No: 275916 - Proof: Video --> $18 no fees

    Self-caught Shiny Heavy ball Hisui Voltorb with ( Mini Mark)

    - OT: Mun - ID No: 275916 - Proof: Video --> $10 no fees

    BDSP Master balls --> $5 no fees each

    My ref : myRef

    # #/AnthonyYewHui
    . .
    #1 /u/AnthonyYewHui, 3/30/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
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