Sold Selling Prestige 2 Castle + 5 farm Castles (26, 18x3, 17)

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by cbfitz, 12/6/16.

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  1. cbfitz

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    No longer have time for this game so selling a great castle with great farms! Main castle is P2 with hundreds on millions of RSS (both safe and not safe, mostly safe) 9.3+M power with all P2 troops and no less than 28 on any other building, have many screenshots of this account in which I will send to a potential buyer when I get contacted.

    I am asking for $1500, which is less than what I have put into all of the accounts.

    PM me here or at the following:
    whatsapp : +1 5639490853
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