Hi all, i'm selling my pay-to-win account. 651-750 servers range. !!!still active player!!! == all numbers continue growing! summary: Q25. VIP15. 8 Workers. A lot of payment ants and insects. Carriers main. buildings: all lvl 25 evo: all in first 4 row max, carriers t10, advanced combat max, excellent enhance 16%, some t10 guards tree. damage: 1.75M against pango carrier, 850K pango guards and 950K pango shooters, 1.2M agains groundhog. medals: rare - 3 commemoration(godzilla, midsummer celebration, christmas celebration) ants common: all developers ants with all skills. 47 combat ants(all lvl50 with minimum 5 skills opened, most with all skills). unlocked all F2P awakening. ants main: N: Crimson Pearl 7* + lvl30 awakening(purple) + 1 shell, Brow Rogue 2* +lvl20 awakening(purple) + 2 shells, Crimson Frager 2*, White Velvet and all other G: Proatta, Dark Hercules and all f2p S: all f2p except Weaver Ant C: Graceful Twig Ant 2*, Grave Digger 2*, Golden Cristal 7* + 1 shell, Leptoglossus Phyllopus 4* + 1 shell, Leptomyrmex Burwelli 7* + lvl30 awakening(blue+1/2next) + 1 shell, Myrmarachne Formicaria 6* + lvl30 awakening(purple) + 1 shell, Golden Venom 2* + 2 shell, Ghost Ant 8* + lvl30 awakening(gold), Shikaree Master 8* + lvl30 awakening(gold) and all other ...tons of duplicate shells Insects: Combat: Cicindela aurunta 11* lvl59, Polistes Dominula 11*, Buthacus arenicola 11* lvl39, Buthacus arenicola 10* lvl34, Whip Scorpion 10*, Emperor Scorpion 8* x2, Patamidae 8*, Devil Flower 6*, Stag Beetle 6* and tons f2p Develop: Elephus Beetle 10*, Locust 11*, Ladybug 10*, Hermit Crab 6* Both insect skins! Skin: anthill: 4 big star - 7 golden skins(4 uniq and 3 for sticks) and all purple march: 5 stars - 7 golden skins(5 uniq and 2 for sticks) and 1 purple avatar: 2 uniq frame and some for achievements more datails or screenshots in DirectMessage!
Because I'm still actively playing there have been some changes. I have bought Parachenes and changed the stars for it, got several stars on ants and changed Leptoglossus Philopus with Myrmarachne Formicaria. If you are interested feel free to write me Direct Message. I will send full info by request. (Sorry in advance for the long response, but I promise to answer within a week maximum)