Selling Selling car/car parts shoutouts! Read desc

Discussion in 'Instagram Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by AlexWatts, 12/5/16.

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  1. AlexWatts

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    I'm currently selling shoutouts on my 30.7k Car Instagram. Page. The account grows around 100-200 followers per day, and receives around 1-2,000 likes per post. HOWEVER, I am selling shoutouts on my story. Around 4-5,000 people view my story, and it'll be up for 24 hours.

    I RECOMMEND this to either Car Instagram. pages, OR Car Parts Instagram. pages (Wheels, Suspension, etc.) as this will be most beneficial to you, and the least follower loss for me. The username is @LibertyWalkUSA.

    The price will be £20 (Or Equivalent) via PayPal, and the post will be put up when the payment is received, unless instructed otherwise by the buyer (peak times, preferred times, etc.).

    PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] TO BUY

    Thank you for looking at my ad!
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