Selling a VIP 10, lvl95 (very close to 96) galaxy legend account. Top1 in the galaxy with 2 bill coins and more then 2K credits. Guaranteed nr1 spot in arena. (+silver month card for 11 more days) Setup for primus (nr1 spot in primus event) and chaos quasar (done in at most 5 minutes with the assembled team). Ship equipments maxed out (lvl 95), interference levels on 70+ on all equipments. Sub SS lvl ships 1. S5 lvl ship 1. S4 lvl ship 9. S3 lvl ship 5. S2 lvl ship 11. S1 lvl ship 13. A lvl ship 10. B lvl ship 13. C lvl ship 7. D lvl ship 5. E lvl ship 2 Total ships: 77 Force: 200mill+ Some of the best ships: Incendos, Armoray, Fearsome Devil, Anatoli, Brom Bones, St. Nick, Cryptor, Geoffrey, Roxy, Alfred and others. Highest galactonite grade: 7 Highest galactonite lvl: 9 R7 galactonite: 2 R6 galactonite: 68 R5 galactonite: 59 R4 galactonite: 20 No galactonites below. Highest ship augment lvl 7, average is 5. If you need more info or interested in the account, i can send you pictures.