Sold Selling Swtor EU (the red eclipse) 9x65 and couple lvl 30ish alts (Very cheap)

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by therockk, 12/5/16.

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  1. therockk

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    Server: The Red Eclipse (EU)

    LvL 65 Sith Sorcerer (Full 208+augmented pvp gear) (220/224 Pve gear)
    LvL 65 Jedi Sage legacy gear switching with sorcerer (Full 208+augmented pvp gear) (220/224 Pve gear)
    LvL 65 Mercenary (Full 208+augmented pvp gear)
    LvL 65 Commando (switching with mercenary)
    LvL 65 Sith assassin
    LvL 65 Jedi shadow
    LvL 65 Sith marauder
    LvL 65 Jedi Sentinel
    LvL 65 Operative
    Some lvl 20-30s on the account as well.*

    Mounts: KX-Recon walker, Marshwood Vorantikus, Dominator's command throne, Expedition Uxibeast, HK55 Jetpack, Wasteland Womp rat and lots more.
    Strongholds: Coruscant, Kaas city has about 42 pages long decorations.

    Main char has like 2+mil creds, 4300wz comms/931 ranked season 6 tokens.
    530 Cartel coins on the account.
    This account has been*inactive for like 6 months.

    I want 40 euros for the account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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