Sold Selling WTS Level 60 Marauder + 55 Sorc/Inquis/Sniper/Merc/Commando + Origin Account

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kingbrandon, 12/5/16.

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  1. kingbrandon

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    Selling my personal SWTOR account. Account is located on the Shadowlands server. Has no subscription time left. Has around 600k credits, maybe a little more. As the title says, 60 Marauder, 55 Sorcerer, Inquisitor, Sniper, Mercenary and Commando. The SWTOR account also has an Origin account attached to it. Which includes Battlefield 3/4 with premium, and Titanfall 1.

    A few rare items on the account include multiple Dread Guard masks. Dominator's Commando Throne. White and Black saber crystals. A lot of cartel market stuff unlocked in the collections tab. Fully upgraded legacy perks, and ship. Marauder is over level 60 valor. All characters have very nice and some hard to obtain outfits. ie; items that might not be in the game anymore.

    I currently don't have the game installed, but if a serious buyer has any questions or would like screenshots or more in depth lists of things on the account please feel free to PM me.

    I will gladly go first if I'm selling to someone with more rep than me. If you have no rep I would suggest paying for a middleman.
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