Sold [H] Selling Pogo shiny legendary gbl/research and other pogo shinys with proofs [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Masterf2000, 3/15/24.

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  1. /u/Masterf2000

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    [H] Selling Pogo shiny legendary gbl/research and other pogo shinys with proofs [W] PayPal


    All £15 each - all avalibale for custom OT trades via Pokémon home.

    Reggigas great ball gbl obtained in Facebook trade regice research UB obtained in Facebook trade cress research pb self caught
    cress gb gbl obtained in Facebook trade guzz ub gbl obtained in Facebook trade cobalion gbl UB obtained in Facebook trade kyogre 1740 UB obtained in Facebook trade latias wild UB x 2 & GB all obtained in Facebook trade heatran research PB obtained in Facebook trade reggigas GbL PB obtained in Facebook trade cressilis research UB obtained in Facebook trade mewrwo research UB obtained in Facebook trade mespirit research ub obtained in Facebook trade tornados gbl ub obtained in Facebook trade regirock research PB obtained in Facebook trade uxie wild PB obtained in Facebook trade latios wild PB & UB obtained in Facebook trade latias wild GB obtained in Facebook trade reggi research PB obtained in Facebook trade mespirit wild gb 379cp self caught cobalion in UB no info as to wild research or gbl 1854cp 2020 catch obtained in Facebook trade 2 x giratina GBL in GB one self caught one obtained in Facebook trade

    # #/Masterf2000
    . .
    #1 /u/Masterf2000, 3/15/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/16/24
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