Sold Selling [eu, mystel] full +12 guile sorcerer/lancer, veteran acc, 14d of tera club

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kurowish, 12/4/16.

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  1. kurowish

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    Hello there,

    Today I wish to present you following account with full +12 guile sorcerer and lancerr on Mystel (EU) with 14days of tera club remaining (from the date when I created this thread) and with veteran status. There is also 65 lvl ninja on killian but it is ungeared character. These 2 character are geared enough to make every dungeon on Tera.

    Info about sorc:
    - 65 lvl Elin 423 ilvl
    - server: EU, Mystel
    - +12 Guile Weapon 9.3%ENR, 9.3%ENR, 7.2%CDR, 6.9% DMG from behind with +12 crit etching
    - +12 guile gloves 9 crit/5 power/2.25% attack speed, +12 crit etching
    - Guile Belt 6 crit 3 power
    - +12 Guile armor +10% dmg meteor strike, 6.9% dmg reduction from front, -10% enr. dmg, +6% healing
    - +12 guile boots +4 endurance/6% mov. speed/24% decrease slowing effect, with Relentles III etching - +5k hp
    - Quatrefoil Brooch 3 power/6 crit
    - Elegant Sporty Linen Underwear (12 crit)
    - 3x manor/2x shadow accesory
    - full master glyphs unlocked
    - RMH skilled
    - skin for weapon "book of knowledge", armor skin "dyeable elin gangster moll costume", "black horn rimmed glasses"

    Info about lancer:
    - 65 lvl High Elf Male
    - +12 guile weapon 9.3% enr, 8.6% aggro dmg, 4.5% attack speed, 6% dmg, with energetic II etching - +2.5% atk speed, 2% cooldown reduction
    - +12 guile armor +15% dmg spring attack, ref. 7.2% dmg to atk, frontal reduction 6.9%, decrease dmg by 8.7% with the most aggro
    - +12 guile gloves, 9 crit/2.25% attack speed/5 power, energetic II etching +2.5% atk speed, 2% cooldown reduction
    - +12 boots endurance +4, 2%mp/5s, slowing effect -24%
    - Guile Belt 6 crit/2 power
    - Elegant Sporty Linen underwear +12 crit
    - Quaatrefoil Brooch 6 crit / 3 power
    - 2 shadow/3 manor accesory
    - has all master glyphs for glyphs that lancer needs

    Information about items in bank:

    - 530k gold in bank
    - Liberation scroll (worth about 70k now but it might be more expensive in future in my opinion)
    - Large Niveot Chest of Elegant Master Fusioner (worth 25k, it might be more expensive in future)
    - 222 mes, 15 t11 mes, 6 t10 mes
    - 26 dyad niveots
    - 2k t11 feedstock, 4.5k t10 feedstock
    - 460 spellbinds
    - 408vmwa, 780 mwa
    - Footwear Etching: Relentless IV in bank
    - and a lot of more stuff that you can see below on the screen

    Screenshots are available there:
    Sorcerer (full album on imgur):
    Lancer (full album on imgur):

    Price: 150€
    I am open for negotiations :)
    If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Skype:

    PS. I still play this character, so amount of gold/mwa/mes/etc. might increase.

    My skype nickname is: peter.mad5
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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