Sold Selling Selling Mobile Strike account in PACO 377

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lazyg4m3r, 12/4/16.

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  1. lazyg4m3r

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    spent € 425 on it – asking for € 200 (USD 215) obo (+ split middle man fee)

    550 million power - mostly reasearch and commander (ate some rallies and dont want to play anymore)

    9.3 million gold
    2.7 bill. stone, 1.6 bill. oil, 4.2 bill iron, 2 bill food and 3.8 bill coin

    more than 15 000 days of speed ups

    commander lvl 58

    tons of gear sets (infantry (+ mods, 370% inf. att., 188% troop att.), research (+mods), troop training (+mods), revbel gear (+mods) and unmoded tac and tank gear sets, some mods for them available)

    T4 troops and traps + adv. T4 paratroopers and all 3 traps
    1.7 million demos plus some tanks and almost 500 k paratroopers left (no T1-T3)

    full trees: economy (except gold gathering), combat, fortification, adv. Fortification and
    advanced combat: unlocked T4s and paratropers researched

    Tactics: commander preset lvl 1 (1/2)
    Commander tree: incl. Rebels lvl 5
    Manufacturing: until core mastery lvl 6

    HQ22, arsenal and wall 22 as well,
    monument, combat lab, toop academy unlocked
    Food Hyper farm
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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