Discord: trustystore (Discord use Case Sensitive, dont use capital letter) Discord Unique ID: 438703171733553173 ============================================= Working Hours 14:00 - 01:00 (GMT) ============================================= We do not make a second transaction within 48 hours with any of our accounts after a sale. We are trying to do our best to make it safer. Please tell us how many coins you have. ============================================= Payment Methods: #, Transfer Wise, Crypto Coins, Western Union, Cards ============================================= Attention ! We will never ask you to return the product you purchased after we deliver it to you. We do not send messages to you in-game. If someone is asking you to return the gold or whispering you in-game, please do not reply. ============================================= We never add you on our discord accounts. Please make sure you’re talking with right person, check Discord name trustystore and unique ID 438703171733553173